The Tribune from Seymour, Indiana (2024)

SEYMOUR DAILY TRIBUNE. SEYMOUR INDIANA WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1923 QUINTET MAY SUFFER WEAKNESS FRIDAY Several First String Men Are Ill And May Not Be Able to Play Against Crothersville. Unless Dame Fortune takes hand the Shields high school quintet will be materially weakened for the game which will be played with the Crothersville basketball team at Crothersville next Friday night, Coach Mitchell stated this morning. Several of the first string men are ill at the present time he said, and the possibility of Shields winning the game will depend largely upon the condition of these players Friday night. Daugherty, star forward on the local quintet, is confined to his home with an infected foot.

Both Bush and Fox are also slowed up on account of colds. Coach Mitchell is giving some of his subs a hard grilling in preparing them to fill any holes in the regular lineup in the Crothersville game if the first. string men do not recover. Janesville Raymond Clark, of Indianapolis, visited relatives here the week end. Mrs.

Rella Hatton and sons. visited relatives at Brownstown Sunday. Miss Katie Bozzel, who has been ill for some time remains about the Mrs. John Hitehborn visited relasame. tives in Indianapolis Tuesday and Wednesday.

Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Vincent and family visited relatives at Brownstown Sunday.

Miss Etta Clark, of Indianapolis, visited Mr. and Mrs. Monie Clark and family Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Edwin Wright returned to her home Friday after visiting Mr.

and Mrs. Edwin Wright and family at Indianapolis. Mr. and Mrs. Aden Stamper and children, of Indianapolis, who have been here visiting Mrs.

Henry Shumway and son, returned to their home Sunday. Mr. Forrest Vest, who has been on a hunting trip north for the past two weeks, returned home Monday right bringing along a fine deer. He reports a wonderful trip. The social given by the Young Peoples Class of the Christian church last Thursday evening was.

well attended. The proceeds, which were $31, will be given to the church, Sulphur Springs. Mr. Oliver Shank called on Frank Pfaffenberger, Sunday. Mr.

and Mrs. Sherman Hall entertained company Sunday. Herbert Montgomery -called on Frank Pfaffenberger, Sunday morning. The farmers are shredding their fodder. They are having fine weather.

Mrs. Ora Thomas spent last Sunday, with her mother, Mrs. Mollie Rucker. Miss Alma Parker spent Sunday with Misses Edith and Bertha Schmidt. There was a large crowd, at the Montgomery sale and the cows sold at a good price.

Misses Edith and Bertha Schmidt and Alma Parker called on Mrs. Annie Able and son, Sunday, in Jennings county. Mr. and Mrs. John Fink and daughter, Dorothy, of Seymour, spent Sunday evening with Charlie Schmidt and family.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pfaffenberger entertained at 12 o'clock dinner Sunday. Mr. and Mrs.

Ed. Knott and children, John Melvin and Harry Knott, of Brownstown, and Mr. ad Mrs. Frank Covert, of Reddington. County Line.

Mrs. Earn Banks visited Mrs. Clarence Rich, Tuesday, Mrs. Johnson, who has been quite ill with rehumatism, is able to be out and went to visit her son, Julius Johnson, and family for a while. Mrs.

Eliza Smith, who has been on the sick list is able to be out. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rich and daughter, Hazel, and Mrs. Eliza Smith visited the former's brother, John Rich, and family on the County Line, Sunday, Howard Cottingham, who has heen seriously ill with pneumonia fever is some better.

James Banks is helping Clarence Rich shuck corn this week. Lloyd Rich and family visited the former's parents, John Rich, and family, Sunday. Earn Banks and wife visited the latter's parents, Alvin Murphy, and family, at Beech Grove, Friday. Violet Rich and Margaret Johnson, who are attending high school at Seymour came out Friday to visit their parents and returned to Seymour Sunday evening. Miss Ella Myers visited Mrs.

Alvin Murphy Friday at Beech Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Barlow and children, were called to Rivervale this morning because of the death of an uncle, William Reynolds. Ackeret's Chapel, The revival meetings, are still progressing, Attendance at Sunday School, collection, $2.16.

Morton Oathout and family, of Surprise, were in this vicinity Sunday. a Misses Edith and Inez. Beukman. spent Sunday with Miss Elsie Spur- geon. Clyde Swengel and family were the guests of Mrs.

Malinda Sutton Sunday. Rev. and Mrs. Stevens took dinner with Fred Miller and family, Sunday. Mr.

and Mrs. Frank A. Miller made a business. trip to Brownstown Tuesday. Mr.

and Mrs. Ed. Beukman and sons spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Will Ackeret.

The W. F. M. S. met with Mrs.

George Fox last Wednesday after: noon, November 14. Mrs. Rose. Morgan, of Surprise, has been spending several days with her sister, Mrs. Mary Miller.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Miller, of Seymour, visited Henry Beukman and family Sunday afternoon. The Reddington choir sang here Wednesday and Saturday night. They were very much enjoyed.

Mr. and Mrs. George Mettert and Mr. and Mrs. Alva Mettert visited relatives at Norman Station Sunday.

The King's Heralds and L. L. will meet at the church next Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Visitors are welcome. Mr.

and Mrs. Melvin. Dorgan and daughter, Frances Ruth, of Indianapolis, spent the week-end here with Mrs. Ruth Dorgan. Albert Kelley and daughters, Dorothy and Mabel, called on Mr.

and Mrs. Samuel Stanfield at Elizabethtown Sunday afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miller and son, Kenneth, and Mrs. Rose Morgan were guests of Mr.

and Mrs. Frank Heideman, near Seymour, Sunday. Russell Chapel. Rev. William Deflart filled his appointment here Sunday.

He was accompanied by his wife. These beautiful November days we hear the hum of the shredder and 1 the rattle of the corn huskers' wagons. Mrs. Belle Downing accompanied her daughter, Mrs. Rose Mann, home to spend the winter at Peru, Ind.

There is to be a pie supper at No. 3 school house, on November 30. Sam Edwards, whose illness has been mentioned, remains about the same. Louis Tiemeier and family, of Driftwood, visited Mr. and Mrs.

William Waskom Sunday. Mrs. Waskom accompanied them home to spend a' few days with her daughter. Several of the farmers are preparing to hull cow peas and soy beans this week. James Elliott and family visited his sister, Mrs.

Walter Tatlock. Sunday afternoon. Walter Warren has employment near Scottsburg. Doris Yount visited her grandparents near Scottsburg, Saturday and Sunday, Mr. and Mrs.

Samuel Yount. Several hunters from the towns have been in the vicinity the last week. Hugh Bryan has been out of school on account of illness the last week. Chestnut Ridge. Next Sunday Rev.

Harry Upchurch, will fill his regular ment here. Miss Mabel Feaster was called to Shelbyville Sunday to nurse a patient in the home of H. W. Jones. Mrs.

George Mize and Miss Mary Lane, of Seymour, called on Mrs. M. E. Smith, Sunday afternoon. Mr.

and Mrs. H. M. Smith, of Medora, visited Mrs. M.

E. Smith and John Smith, Saturday afternoon. Curtis Shafer, of Indianapolis, spent the week end here visiting old friends and neighbors. Mr. and Mrs.

Beezon Baynes and daughter, Millicent, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Baynes and baby, of Salem, spent Sunday here with Charles MeDonald and family.Mrs. Charles MeDonald Sr. accompanied them home.

Mrs. Charles McDonald Sr. and Miss Gladys McDonald visited Alex Marling and family, at Beech Grove, last week. A daughter, Hazel Juanita, was born to Mr. and Mrs.

Bicknell Murphy, last Wednesday. Mrs. Reese and sori, of Indianapolis, moved to the farm, which they recently purchased of Mr. Christian. Mr.

Reese will follow some time this week. Frank Whitsett is moving to the A. R. Adams farm. Miss Gladys McDonald and Miss of Mrs.

A. B. Graessle, Sunday eveVirginia Smith were, supper guests ning. Mrs. Charles Ormsby and daughter, Louise, have returned to North Vernon, after a short visit here with Mr.

and Mrs. Bryan Vogel. Cornett Grove. Ralph Mitchener on the sick list. Mr.

and Mrs. J. D. Summa, of Kurtz, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Buell Brown. Iris Deckard, of Houston, visited Lesta Fleetwood Wednesday night. Emory Berry and family, of Houston, and David Eads and wife, of near Kurtz, were Sunday visitors of George Mitchener and family. Mrs. Ford Brown and little daugh ter are visiting her parents, Mr.

and Mrs. Theodore Davis, near Maumee. William Matlock, of Seymour, visited his sister, Mrs. Buell Brown, Sunday, Meedy Lutes and family. visited ITerman Louden and family, at Wrays church.

Thornt Combs and family, of near Maumee, spent Sunday with Logan Mitchener and family, Mrs. A. J. Elmore went to visit her new grandson near Norman Station, Thursday. There will be a pie supper at the Cornett's school house, Friday night, November 23.

Boys bring plenty of money and girls bring pies. Everybody welcome. Miss Helen Fleetwood, who is attending high school at Freetown spent the week end with home folks. Fern Fleetwood spent Wednesday night with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.

W. 0. Scott, at Houston. Buell- Brown and Bruce Fleetwood worked on their road Sunday. They have it almost finished.

Rockford A child of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Burch is very sick. Mrs. Wm.

Combs spent Friday evening ith Mrs. Harry Lauster. The Ladies Aid will meet with Mrs. Jim Boss Wednesday afternoon, Sunday School Sunday afternoon at two o'clock. Everybody welcome.

Mr. and Mrs. Milton Weasner and family spent Sunday with her parents. Miss Eliza Abell spent Friday with her sister, Mrs. Ed.

Sherber, at Seymour. Miss Elizabeth Erb, of Seymour, spent Sunday with Charley Lebline and family. Mrs. Jesse Stewart, whose sickness has been mentioned often, remains the same. Mr.

and Mrs. Bruce Horning were called to Heltonville, Sunday, on account of the serious illness of Mr. Morning's mother. Mr. and Mrs.

Charles Combs, Mrs. Henry Lauster and son, Clarence, Mrs. John Findley motored to Indianapolis Saturday and, spent the day. J. R.

Hunter, of Indianapolis, spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. George Combs and children, Donald, Lloyd and Luella Maye, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.

Combs. Spraytown George Weekly is feeding the shredder for Oren Mildred Mann, of Freetown, spent Sunday with Mildred Denny. Holmes Thompson, of Cortland, called on Wm. Goens Sunday. Mr.

and Mrs. Edward Hauck and Mrs. Fred Long were at Seymour, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs.

George Hauck, of Acme, spent Sunday in the family of Edward Hauek. David Weekly and family spent Sunday in the family of J. H. Davis, at Freetown. Wm.

Goens sold and delivered some hogs Tuesday to Holmes Thompson at Cortland. Miss Roxena Chute, of Columbus, came here Saturday to -visit her sister, Mrs. Jacob Denny. Albert Denny is building a house for Charles Sharr on the 'Alexander farm, which Mr. Sharr has purchased.

Albert Harvey, who recently moved here from Sullivan county, has purchased the Grime's farm at High Mount and moved on it, Tuesday. Tampico. Attendance at Christian Sunday School, 30; collection $1.16. Elder T. J.

Due, of Seymour, gave an educational address at the Baptist church here Sunday night. The subject of. his remarks was "For God and Country." Mrs. Cora Cox, of. Columbus, is here visiting relatives and friends.

Quite a large crowd attended the entertainment at the high school auditorium here Saturday night. Miss Hamilton of Nashville, an impersonater of rare ability was the principal entertainer. the Church of Christ, at this place, the church of Christ, at this place, will be unable to fill his regular appointment here Sunday and it wil he filled by the Elders of the church. George Wolff and family attended a birthday surprise dinner Sunday, at Mt. Eden.

The occasion was Mrs. Charles Fleenor's birthday, who is the mother of Mrs. Wolff. Mrs. Guy- Sturgeon and son, Gene, will leave Friday for Danville and Indianapolis for a several days' visit with relatives.

Barringer and family visited relatives. at Crothersville, Sunday. High Mount. Rev. Moses Smeltzer, of Uniontown, is holding a series of meetings at the Brethern- church at Beech Grove, 7:30 each evening.

Sunday School Sunday at 10:00 a.m. Rev. Tip Spirling preached at New Hope Sunday night and at James E. Sage's home Monday night. John Love, of Seymour, was visiting his brother, J.

it. Love, Sunday. Nellie Marling, of Indianapolis, who was called to the bedside of her father, Alexander Marling, who was seriously ill has returned to her home, leaving her father much improved. Mrs. Carrie Marling was visiting her sister, Mrs.

C. M. Hatton, Sunday, at Chestnut Ridge. Mr. and Mrs.

Ellis Bedel and son and. Beulah Bedel, of Chestnut Ridge, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Marion Grantham, Sunday. Mr.

Grantham accompanied them home for a few days. A daughter. was born Monday, November 12, to Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Murphy.

Rev. and Mrs. Walter Moseley, of Uniontown, were calling on Alexander Marling and family, Sunday evening. Ervin Moore, of Cineinnati, 0., is visiting his, wife's parents, Mr. and Mrs.

James H. Love and family. Mrs. Lula Daily was the guest of Tillis Bedel and family, at the Ridge, Monday. Mrs.

Bertha Sage was the guest of relatives at Seymour the week end. Orville Barnes has traded his farm near Cana to Mr. Hanner for. property in Seymour. Dogs killed 65 chickens for Daniel Mascher, near Beech Grove, last last week.

Peter Daily and wife, of Seymour, were the guests of John Bordon and wife, at Mt. Eden, the week end. Roy Moore, son of John W. and Allie Moore was born August 12th, 1900, died November 12th 1923, of hemorrhage of the lungs. He was united in marriage to- -Vera Lewis, daughter of Oliver Lewis and wife, December 23rd, 1922.

Funeral at Uniontown at 2 d'elock Wednesday by the Rev. Curtis, of Indianapolis. Burial at the cemetery. A daughter was born to Bicknell Murphy and wife, at the Ridge, 14th, 1923. Mrs.

James E. Sage, near New Hope, was visiting Elmer Grantham and wife, Monday. Woodford Barnes is staying with his daughter, Mrs. Oliver Lewis, near Marion church. Pleasant.

Grove Church began here Monday even- ing. Mrs. F. A. Reynolds is quite ill at this writing.

Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Thompson and daughter, of near Cortland, called on James Crabb and family Sunday afternoons Mr.

and Mrs. Ray Jackson and children and Mr. and Mrs. Ponslen, of Greenwood, were guests of Wm. MeNiece and family last week.

and Mrs. Albert Spaulding and son, Harold, visited relatives at Houston Sunday. Charles Welliver, of Reddington, spent the week end in the family of Charles Murray. Quite a number, from here attended the funeral of Andrew Manuel at Beck's Grove, Sunday. Win.

Sparks sons Charles and Wm. and Guy Foist, of Reddington, were through here Sunday looking for a valuable dog they' had lost and calling ONF friends. Mrs. Fred Spray, of Ratcliff Grove, and Mrs. Wm.

Spray, of Surprise, were guests of Mrs. S. A. Robinson, Sunday. Raymond Welliver, Howard Marsh, Ted Nichleson and Mr.

Glasson, of Reddington came down Tuesday to visit Chas. Murray and hunt. Brown's Corner. Sunday School attendance, 20; collection, 65 cents. Preaching service here Sunday night, November 25, at 7 d'elodk, Everybody welcome.

John Taylor and family, of Shelbyville, visited John Foist and family and John Rocky, Sunday. Mrs. Edgar Sharp and son, Lonz0, called on Mrs. Herman Swengel and, children, Saturday. John Foist, called on Solomon Miller, Sunday.

Mrs. Leat Brooks and children and James Brooks visited John Wise and family, near Hayden, Sunday. Warren Foster bought a fine hog from John Welch, last week. John Welch and grandson, Kenneth Foist, visited Bert Welch and family, Saturday night and Sunday. Miss Elizabeth Stigdon, Mrs.

J. T. Hines and daughter, Minnie Matilda, Reid and Sam McClintock of Columbus, visited John Rocky, Sunday. Timothy Sharp, Edna Sharp and Elsie Clouse visited Thomas Nicholson and family, Sunday. Perry Easter and family called on C.

G. Kinder, Sunday night. Joe Ackerman broke his shredder last Friday and was delayed until Monday. Mr. and Mrs.

William Clark were Rein Seymour shopping, Saturday. Acme Henry Meyer, was taken seriously ill with tonsilitis. last week. Dr. J.

M. Jenkins is the attending physician. Mr. Meyer is slowly improving. George Deats is improving.

The condition of Mrs. Belle Campbell. remains about the same. Mrs. Blanch Patrick, who has been, suffering with an ulcerated limb for several months, remains about the same.

Mrs. Eliza Isaacs, who was ill several days last week, is improving. Sunday School. reports as follows: M. E.

attendance 30; collection 72cents; U. B. no report. Next Sunday Rev. Stevens will preach at the Surprise M.

E. church at 10:30 a. m. Mrs. J.

M. Lucas was called to Norman Station one day last week because of the illness of her aunt. Sh returned home leaving her aunt improving. Mary J. Mahurin went to Norman Station last week and will be the guest of her daughter, Mrs.

Marietta, Fish, for several days. Rev. Terry, of Freetown, filled his regular appiontment at the church at Acme, last Sunday morning, Mr. and Mrs. C.

C. Isaacs and children, visited Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth Ault, at Spraytown, Sunday. Mr.

and Mrs. George Hauck and parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hehman, were guests of Mr. and Mrs.

Walter Hauck at. Spraytown, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Guy MeNiece and childern, of Pleasant Grove, were guests of Mr.

and Mrs. J. W. White Sunday. R.

L. -Isaaes, of Champaign, who has been on an extended visit with relatives and friends at Acme, returned to his home last week. Several from here attended the basket ball game at Salem last Friday night. The game between Cortland and Salem and the score was 55 to 31 in favor of Cortland. Cortland team is fast coming to the front and will soon be one of the best in the county.

Mrs. Blanch Patrick and daughter, of Surprise, motored to Grammer Saturday and were the guests of the former's brother over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Shortridge transacted business at Kurtz Saturday.

J. W. White, who has been spending two. weeks in the northwest returned home Saturday. He visited several places in the state of Illinois, including Chicago.

He then went to Iowa where he spent several days the guest of his nephew and wife, Mr. and Mrs. William Dabb, and with Mr. and Mrs. Herschel Robertson, who formerly lived at Acme.

Mrs. Robertson was formerly Miss Bertha Isaacs. Mr. White was well pleased with the country, said crops were fine and stock plentiful. A large truck owned and driven by a Freetown man, who was hauling mine props from the Holtz farm to Surprise, turned over one day last week on the road near M.

F. Rucker's. Fortunately no one was hurt and no damage done. W. H.

Wells has a force of men at work remodeling the old school building, concerting it into a barn. Cash Kern and family motored to Bedford Sunday and spent the day with relatives. Raymond Wilson, merchant at Surprise, bought and shipped 235 turkeys to the Columbus market Monday. Pleasantville. Jonah Gilbert is very, ill.

Hugh Curry was a business caller in Bedford, Thursday. George Spray who has employment at Bedford spent the week end at home. James A. Wray and son, Bert Wray, and family, and John Carmichael, who have been visiting relatives here, returned to their home in Muncie, Sunday. Hugh Curry cut a (bee tree one days dast week and got about fifty pounds of honey.

Mr. George Taylor and family, Mount Zion, spent Sunday with Jonah Gilbert and family. Oscar. Gilbert, of Medora, is visiting relatives here this week. Mr.

Hugh Curry and family and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wray, of Muncie, visited in the family of Whick Speer of Pair View, Saturday night. Maurice Chase, of near Bedford, called on relatives here Sunday. While out hunting one day last week he was accidently, shot, by a friend who was with him.

Several shots took effect in his left hand, side and 111 the head. Fortunately he was not seriously hurt and was able 20 to his work again in a few days. Mr. Chase is the son of Thomas Chase, formerly of this place. Homer Turrel is suffering with rheumatism.

Christmas Greeting Cards. To insure your choice of Greeting Cards make your selection before December 1. We have an exceptionally choice line of designs this year both engraved and printed. Call at the Daily Tribune office and make your selection now. n30d Geoman Maid Design Wrought from Solid Silver We invite you to in- will never grow old, spect the whose usefulness and Maid" -mas- value will never grow terpiece of the class- less.

ics. We consider it the silver service ideal. You will be sure to Its design is rich, in a get sugegstions, and graceful dainty way. inspiration from seeIts substance is solid ing the Georgian silver. Georgian Maid Maid Design.

Sold AS a gift or for your either in separate own home, is some- pieces or complete thing whose beauty table service. The J. P. HAGEL JEWELRY CO. Phone 53.

101 N. Chestnut St. 'Seymour, Ind. Cornett Grove. Mrs.

Orlena Fullen, of Kansas, who has been visiting relatives at Heltonville and Williams, came Saturday and is visiting her sister, Mrs. Ella Mitchner, before home. Several from here were at Maumee shopping last week. Edgar Mitehner transacted business at Freetown Saturday. Ned Combs and Dunham Pruitt, of Maumee, were in our grove selling beef, Saturday.

M. E. Lutes, and family visited their daughter at Pleasant Ridge, Sunday. Some from Here attended church at Joe Walkers near Maumee, Sunday night. David Eads motored to Bloomington Friday on business.

Ralph, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. Logan, is out of school on account of sickness. Emery Berry and family, of Houston visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Mitehner, Sunday. Misses Fern Fleetwood and Dorothy Berry enjoyed themselves horse back riding Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. David' Kads called on Mr.

and Mrs. Edgar Mitchner, Saturday night. Tom Carter, of Elkinsville, visited his son, Ray, and family, Sunday. Miss Lora Goss is able to be up now. Four Corners.

Rosa Otto and Mrs. Rophhammer will leave here for Springfield, Ohio, Tuesday. The farmers are having nice weather for shucking and shredding corn. Frank. Maschino and family called Peter Vogel and family last Sunday, Peter Vogel made a business trip to North Vernon last Friday.

There will be a soeial at Mirror's school house, Friday evening. August Elsner, from Cincinnati, called on his parents here last Sunday. surprise party was given last Sunday, eyening for Otto and Mrs. Rophammer. Guests gathered at the home at seven o'clock.

The evening was spent with games, music and refreshments. Those present were. Celia, Anna, Lawrence and Edward Krockerberger, Florence and Lawrence Haag, Anna, Regina, Agnes, Lena, Lenora, Emma, Joe and John Megel, Freda, Mildred, Edwin and Lawrence Burgmier, Florence, Edward, Albert and Irene Vogel, John and Frank Elsner, Mr. and Mrs. John Elsner, Mr.

and Mrs Will Hang and family and Rev. Omer Eiseman. Everyone enjoyed themselves. They all parted at 11:30. Born to Mr.

and Mrs. George Krockerberger, Saturday, a daughter, Betty Ruth. Martin's Grove Ben Smith and family visited relatives at Proctown, Sunday. Peter moved his family into his new dwelling house. Claude Beaver, of Hobson Hill, is visiting his grandmother, Mrs.

I Eliza Beaver. Mrs. Lem Smith, who has been visiting relatives at Bedford, has returned home. William Morton, of Indianapolis, is putting up a new dwelling house on his farm here. Miss Gertrude Browning visited her grandmother, Mrs.

Nan Browning, near Kurtz Miss Grace Browning spent the week end with her grandmotehr, Mrs. Nan Browning, of near Kurtz. There will be a pie social at Smith's School Wednesday night. November 28. Everybody invited.

Proceeds for the school. William Burnside and family, of Freetown, spent Wednesday night with Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Fields. HOT AIR is produced from our coal, and you get full value from every shovelful.

You can believe what we say about RAYMOND CITY COAL Trust us when we tell you it's the highest grade mined, with everything that isn't coal eliminated. This isn't "Hot-Air" it's a Fact EBNER Ice Cold Storage Co ENS ICE Phone 4 COAL SEYMOUR PLANING MILL CO. Mill Work and Building Material Paints and Oil Builders' Hardware Phone 19. 418 S. Chestnut St.

Seymour, Indiana. DR. CHAS. E. GILLESPIE limited to diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat, and FITTING GLASSES SEYMOUR, INDIANA New Driftwood.

Mrs. Annie Able and son, Clarence, called on Mrs. James Whitson and son, Robert, Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs.

Roy Peaco*ck were business visitors in Seymour Thursday. Miss Ina Cox and Miss Lucretia Pearson spent last Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. George Lewis. Mr. and Mrs.

Maurice Moore visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moore Sunday afternoon. Mrs. William Matthews, of Richmond, and Mr.

and Mrs. David T. Newsom were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A.

A. Ruddick, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. James Whitson and son, Robert, attended the farewell party at the home of Mr.

and Mrs. Will Reider, Sunday evening. Mrs. Ella Cox and daughters visited Mrs. Frank Moore, Sunday afternoon.

Uniontown Neff Polley and family. visited relatives in Brown county Sundav. Russel Bowman has returned from Illinois, where he has been husking corn. Maud. Bedel and son, Leon, who have been ill the past week, are improved.

Frank Collman and family, of indianapolis, spent Sunday with 0. M. Coryell and wife. Educational week will be observed at our School, Friday. Parents and friends invited.

Rev. Smeltzer is conducting revival services at No. 1 church this week. Everybody welcome. Luie Wilson and children and Nell Wilson visited Sunday with H.

H. Wilson and wife, in Decatur county. John and Tom Bowman, of Kentucky, visited their brother, Henry Bowman, Wednesday and Thursday,.

The Tribune from Seymour, Indiana (2024)
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Name: Aracelis Kilback

Birthday: 1994-11-22

Address: Apt. 895 30151 Green Plain, Lake Mariela, RI 98141

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Hobby: LARPing, role-playing games, Slacklining, Reading, Inline skating, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Dance

Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.