The Tribune from Seymour, Indiana (2024)

SEYMOUR DAILY TRIBUNE. SEYMOUR. INDIANA TCXSrur, JULY IT, 1023. 1'. -F31 PERSONAL HCi A KAYNEE The coal dealer is good fellow, but you don't have to give him all your money.

If you will build a furnace room of Sheetrock theircfTOowallboard vm, ivill.Jcecn.Jhe.. Guaranteed JloserSOa- T)JMLB MS Included) Walk-Away' In Value I3E Summer or I'b'rreef cially filk fur beauty. I- Interwoven with lislw fo withstand ttTumendoua mileage. nnd close fitting tops add to-the shupclincss. So does reinforced too' and heel.

OOTWFAU coiiitmuids at- (enlioii during the hot, sultry days of summer. um biiiii snoes, oxiorus that not only' have the lines of -style but ulso comfort. We make a spe? fitting shoes i The Only" Real Play Suit For Boys Footwear mjips give-ijiaximnni iu Shoe Store ALLKN, Mgr I WeVe selling ttWGoodrtch Tire at an astonishingly low price call us on tha phone and we Ml tell you what it is. 'BEST IN THK I.ONO 11 HOADLEY'S Tire and (Belt Kazoo Suspenders Boys Blouses Boys' Belts- a Wonderful Buy -THE NEW- Ideal llchlcr Iilock.

It's ,,1 Interstate Public Service Co. 'PhonoainQO. 'l 10 South Chestnut street. V. 0.

Collins of Chicago, 111. was her today lmiiHs. -Sirs. Elizabeth Owen, of Medora, wa here tdday shopping. Lucy SchultK, of" Modora, incut, the fVAf oi rGineravjIliT, was.

Ijero today on business. Walter Price made a business trip to Indianapolis this morning. Mrs. Alarv- Croucher, cf tunnel ton, "wo here today Mr. and John Isaacs are the guests of Mrs.

Webb, at Iudianap Olis. Master Billy Hanco*ck, went to Indiananolis this mornim? to mend the day. Julius Ortstadt, or is visiting his brother, Fred Ortstadt, jf this city. Mrs. Josie Meyers, of Indianap olis, is the guest of lier sister, Mrs.

1 K. L. Basley. Mrs. L.

L. Downing is the guet of her. sister, l'aula Waskom, near Tanipico. C. II.

Whltlntch, of New Albany. is visiting D. II. Combs and family, at Iieddington. Misses Edna Dixon anil Mary Iliminler spent the day in Indianapolis the guests of friends.

4 The Rev. L. T. Freelund went to Indianapolis this morning; to spend Ihe day in Conference work. Mrs.

Henry Harris, of Modern, was the guest ot her sister, JHrs. Homer floens, of this city today. Mrs. Curtis Judd and Miss Urace Horning are spending the week iu Mitchell the guests of Mrs. Pearl.

Weddoll. Mrs. Otfo Ilartman and grandson, Everett Kuley went to Cincinnati this morning fo sjjend the day. with relatives. Mrs." Lawrence and son, Louis, ore the guests of Mrs.

Thias's mother, Mrs.3fury Rodert, south of the citv. Mrs. Elizabeth Disney nnd daugh ter, Miss Mary, went to Underwood this morning to visit relatives for several days. Mrs. Margaret Hoover went Cincinnati, this morning where she will be the guest of her niece for few davs.

Mr and Mrs, Guv -Realty and son, Charles, went to ILiydcn today to visit Mr. ind Mrs. Chnres 'IJcatty for-several ilaysi Mr. and George F. Kammaii and and -Miss Loraine flit-1 spending several days in Cineiniijiti, O.

and Richmond. Miss I'auline McCord returned this Morning from Brpwnstown where she has been the guest of Miss Virginia McOsker. 3Irs. Walter FIornerfeK, who ha been visiting in Louisville, returned to this city todav where she is the guest of Mrs. M.

J. Fox. Mrs. Henrv.Rebber wa ffllled to Indipjnapolis this 'because of the serious illness of her daugh tcr, Mrs. Katie Leverne.

Mr.nd Mrs. Qorge McCoy have returned to their home in Cojiners-ville after a visit in (his citv with the former's mother, Mrs. Sarah McCoy. George Ileintz and grand Apply, Zemo, Clean, Penetrat ing, Antiseptic Liquid It is unnecessary for you to suffer with Eczema, Blotches, Ringworm, Rashes and similar skin troubles. Zemo obtained at any-drug fitorelbt-35vot- $1.00 for extra large bottle, and prompt ly applied will usually give instant relief soothes the skin and heals quickly and effectively most skin diseases.

Zemo is a wonderful, penetrating, disappearing liquid and is soothing to the most delicate skin. Get it today and save all further distress. People ore finding out that nothing is-mpre extravagant than a cheap Watch. Tliey are buying watches today, not as mero pieces of jewelry, but for what they are really worth as timekeepers. -I We invite you to inspect our stock oO high grade keepers.

The J. Hagel Jewelry Co. Key mou fnd. Phone Main so For a real clean an 1 Hiuiitarv home, vou can artthnT Bistance of the APEX Electric Suction Sweeper CALI $aeen For a Free Demohstra-. tiQn in your own home.

U7 yen OF THEIR POPULARITY Geat nctrvity continues to mark Durant progress. Op June. 19th the organisation celebrated the completion of. its 100,000 cars since Jan. 1.

Of this total 73,000 were Stars and were Durants. Coleman Sales Co. 222 South Chestnut Street. Phone Main 073. UK 7ZZ3 "MULE" CRAZED MAN, CRUSHES WIFE'S HEAD Shehorn Held in Jail While Police Investigate Murderous At-.

taok by Him. Evansvilh', Jr.Iy 17Mim. Jess Shehorn, of Ijodgo uve'iiic arid Green River road, is Hear death at "tlwi Hciicone-s hospital, and husband, Jess, Shcliorn, is ilVi'a craned a cell'iit licadqua rtws; where he is held on, charge of assault knd battery wit1 intent to kill. 7 Mrs. 'Shehonis', skull i helieV( to have bec'i fractured nd her body was badly 'mutilated, when, it is al- Ufred, her crazed by "white mule," attacked her at- her home.

motive for the attack was given by Kluhorn at police headquarters. First ijitimalion of-. the, affair-was received by the police when several hurry-nip calls were sent in by ex cited The calls were to the effect that Shehorn dering his wife." Worms Ravage Onion Fields. By International News Service. Ligoni'er, July 17 The onion rop hi Indiana vimia'A iiieuaced iby heavy ut worms and aecord- ing to J.

J. Davis, of Purdue I'ni-vcrsityf wiio has made. an inspection of the onion fields in Noble 'count v. In some fields the voiihir onion' plants' have been ravaged by wire worms until it is estimated the crop losses are reported to be the heavi est yeurs and growers nfe making eVjjry effort to cheeky the pests. Fishing Tackle.

Nets, seines, ours, jfiinnOwtFBrec Brunow's. Jiod-tf Drs! Kobcrtson and Licklider, Os- teopaths. Oflico hours: 8 to 11 l'fo 5 and 7 to, 8 p. m. every day.

IO8I3 North Chestnut street, jdtf onct "5 Wc carry complcteline of BON'CJ IiIA TOlI LKT coons'. v1- i'hw-y is one of the most 'jK)iiilar-'t6iIet lines Vnd w'e. w-ill be chid to show you lie goods the- ne.t time-you call at our store. Phone 116. No.

101 E. 2nd. mm i Iiar in. lct-rn the cohf keepdoilars in your pocket. This different wallboard insu lates like' a standard plaster wall.

onr) x- I cnmrraocitl Ask yoar lumber dealer for it SHEETROCK Sold In Seymour liy THE TRAVIS CARTER CO. I ea livrn In Lnmbwr and Building Dions 74. Fourth anU Kwlnff Streeln. danshter. -Caroline lemtz, went Cincinnati this morninc; to swnrt evernl days the guiwt of Mrs.

Frank Meyers. J. W. Hayes will leave tonight for an extended trip through the northeast. lie will visit Kiagra Falls, Boston, Detroit and in Cana da while gone.

l'eter Kicnnrt ami daughter, Ida Josephine, have returned from N'ortli Vernon hero they have been the guests of Mrs. llichart's mother Mrs. Mary Wrape. Mrs. J.

Snear, Mrs. Shfldnu Van Hov and little dauchtur, Wilma, Jeon, went, to VMcdora hi morning to spend the day with Mrs sister, Mrs. 'Sarah Terrell Mrs. Thomas Applewhite anil son of Valdostrt, Ga. came today, the guests of Mr.

and Mrs L. Ij. James enroute to Brownst6wn where they- will-visit Mrs. Apple white's mother, Mrs. S.

W. SKields HARPING HEADED TOWARDS HIS SHIP (Continued from first page) the line of nondescripts were es rcciully noticeable for their new ncss, polish and exnensiveness of make. They were profusely decorated with the words "Welcome." Both cars were well back in the line the president riding in a much smart convevruicc, which anMe.l some 'comment until discreet quiries revealed the fact that the new cars belonged" to the town boot legger and Alaska delicacy evident ly. it unfitting, to place then in front. rresident I larding special is scheduled, to reach Anchorage fo morning after steadv itay1s riui today, where it wllT'liaTf for some hours to allow Secretarv conferences with Alaskan 5 business men who, Jave "gVilVunce to air over departmental, policies.

The train hould reach Seward where flu Henderson is wa iting late Wednes day, night or early Thursday morn 4flgT Orange Ice. Pineapple lee. Five kinds of Ice Creams to select from. Kept in latest up-fo-the-mHiute nerfection Ice Cram Cabinet, soft and doppv, never exposed to dust and Vl-do nqt peddle, but do deliver your cream, right on the minute Prices Confectionery. Supposed Bootleggers' Escape.

Marshall Harry Brennan of. Hope, with some of his deputes, stopped an automobile there curly morning While the deputies kept watch Brennan went i or a jtist u-e of the peace to secure a warrant to the automobile. The men in the machine suddenly turned on the power in the car and 6 wept out of" town followed bv a rain of kil- lets, It was thought they were bootleggers aud it was for that rea son they' were stopped, "The 'heniicaT the lTtuted States7 experi-meuting with "sneeze which, may be mixed 'with illuminating gas to save lives. by warning room occupants of the escape of gas. Japnrj has a written hiitorv ex- tending ox er" 250.0 jejirs.

I t- THE ELECTRIC WAY ll To THE PLAYGROUND OF INDIANA SUMME A TES SEYMOUR. INDIANA Winona Lake $8.00 Kound Trip Wursaxv Hound Trip Milford Junction tl Round" Trip 1 'Milford 4 Round Trip Leesburg Round Trip Akrou Round Trip Ticket good returning until October 15, -JjIMO IJ FA UI IU' LA KJiJ HO I ON JI I JW01JLD. I Pa rticMlars ncq "Scott Hardin, Local Agent, Seymour, Indiana. mil uin 1 1 ii i a a 1 1 i I iiiin.iinir i mi i xi Ti A miser is 'a' foolish individual 1 1 mi nuo iiuuiun uia iiiuiii-v. i iuni i.

a TIRE We are offering No. 55 GOODRICH TIRE $10:50 Goodrich Tube Firsts- $1.65 Accessory Department Chestnut Coal for so place to prevent disap- 3 Phone Main 353 SPECIAL 30x3M i MEET THE -f good spender in an -even more I foolish person who spends, all he willlf IJllnnn makes. I Mr If A saver is a canny individual who wMjy II saves now that he may take greater wF I enjoyment from his money later. Ill u- i Where do VOU fit in ll. Per 11 Week- Special Term For Ten Dayn Call For it Dcinoiisl ration.

BOM1 TRIE mmmm 1 53 EVERY SUNDAY STEA.MERS 0.UEEN CITY AND JOHN W. HUBBARD Foot of 4th St. 9:15 a.m. Returns Foot 4th St. 10 p.

m. FREE DANCING. MUSIC. 150 MILES ON THE OHIO RIVER. 3 Hours', stop over at Madison, if desired.

Fare 1 .00 find. T. These trips are run in cornection with the interstate Publid Service Co. Popular price Excursion Kates on trains leaving i Seymour and way points as follows: Leaves Seymour: 6:00 a. m.

$1.75 Rnd. Returning 12:49 a. m. Crothersvtlle 6:23 a. m.

$1.50 Rnd. Trip, Returning 12:26 a. m. INTERSTATE PUBLIC SERVICE CO. Particulars see Scott Hardin, Local Agent.

1 A Anthracite Coal Indian Mound, Three and One-half Miles Northeast of Seymour. Ind. Mot Beautiful Spot on Whit. River Rent! Grounds Rented to Clubs and Private Parties SWIMMING BOATING FISHING DANCING Wednesday NightsrSunday Afternoons and Nights CHICKEN DINNER Served SUNDAYS From 12:00 to.KlIfck OPEN EVERY DAY AND NIGHT No Chert at Cat. Except en Wedneeday and Sunday Nl(ht.

1 Tenting space' to let for-campers. your week-ends with us and gee the difference. Wa are how booking cabina for season. Direct all mail to Pauley's Cabin, R. R.

Seymour, Iud. I have "secured two cars July Orders filled In order of jour orders at once pointmeni, A North Chestnut St. "iNO HUNTING" SIGNS PRINTED ON MUSLIN, 10 CZl EACH. $1 PER, DOZEN AT THE SEYHIOU.

The Tribune from Seymour, Indiana (2024)
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Name: Allyn Kozey

Birthday: 1993-12-21

Address: Suite 454 40343 Larson Union, Port Melia, TX 16164

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Hobby: Sketching, Puzzles, Pet, Mountaineering, Skydiving, Dowsing, Sports

Introduction: My name is Allyn Kozey, I am a outstanding, colorful, adventurous, encouraging, zealous, tender, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.