10 Patio Plants That Thrive in Pots and Containers (2025)

Whether you're working with limited space, have poor soil quality, or simply want to dress up your patio or front porch, container gardens are a great way to elevate your landscape and work around common gardening woes. While many plants can be grown in pots and containers, there are certain species that are best suited to this type of growing environment. From full shade perennials to long lasting annuals, we're highlighting the best patio plants that can thrive in pots and containers.

25 Creative Container Garden Ideas to Enhance Your Outdoor Space

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Tall Verbena

10 Patio Plants That Thrive in Pots and Containers (1)

Fill in negative space in your container plantings with tall verbena (Verbena bonariensis). "Tall verbena is a fantastic plant for providing a wispy feeling and poking through other plants with its long stems and cute little purple blooms at the ends," says Jocelyn Kline, horticulturist at Longwood Gardens. The plant blooms from summer through fall and will welcome pollinators to your landscape throughout its growing season.

  • Growing zones:7 to 11
  • Mature Size:3 to 6 feet tall x 1 to 3 feet wide
  • Growing conditions:Full sun; tolerates a range of soils, including clay, loam, and sand

Find Your Growing Zone Here

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Giant Hyssop

Giant hyssop (Agastache) is an abundantly blooming plant that works beautifully in container displays. "There is so much variety in bloom color and bloom structure between cultivars, so it can fit into almost any display," says Kline. "It provides a wildflower feeling to the container that pollinators love, is very aromatic, and can be used as a perennial in many areas."

  • Growing zones:4 to 10
  • Mature Size:2 to 3 feet tall x 1 to 2 feet wide
  • Growing conditions:Full sun; moist, well-draining soil

Add These 13 Flowers to Your Outdoor Planters for Summer-Long Color

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Coral Bells

10 Patio Plants That Thrive in Pots and Containers (3)

A cultivar of coral bells (Heuchera) exists for any location in your garden, whether it gets full shade or full sun. "There is so much variety in leaf shape, color, and pattern across all cultivars, that makes it so easy to find the perfect one for your display," says Kline. "They also have long flowers that pole up through the foliage that can be used in floral arrangements and to attract pollinators." Coral bells can be semi-evergreen as well, so the plant can potentially last for an all year long display.

  • Growing zones:4 to 9
  • Mature Size:8 to 18 inches tall x 12 to 24 inches wide
  • Growing conditions:Full sun to full shade; rich, moist, well-draining soil

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Intenz Celosia

10 Patio Plants That Thrive in Pots and Containers (4)

With an upright growing pattern and striking foliage, intenz celosia (Celosia spicata) is an easy-to-care-for plant that boasts long, spiky, purple flowers. "It's full yet compact size makes it a great option for a pop of color in a container garden," says Rich Christakes, founder of Ship My Plants.

  • Growing zones:10 to 11
  • Mature Size:12 to 24 inches tall x 12 inches wide
  • Growing conditions:Full sun to part shade; moist soil

Butterfly Bush

10 Patio Plants That Thrive in Pots and Containers (5)

Great for adding structure to containers, buttery bush (Buddleja davidii) is a deciduous shrub that boasts beautiful arching flowers come summer. If you're looking for a particularly eye-catching variety, consider planting 'Hot Raspberry' butterfly bush. "This buddeja is extra showy with its bold pink summer color and gray-green foliage," says Kline. "It has a compact growing habit for smaller containers and is great for attracting butterflies and hummingbirds."

  • Growing zones:5 to 9
  • Mature Size:3 to 5 feet tall x 3 feet wide
  • Growing conditions:Full sun; rich, well-draining soil

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Silver Falls Dichondra

10 Patio Plants That Thrive in Pots and Containers (6)

An extremely eye-catching ground cover known for its cascading growing habit, Silver Falls dichondra (Dichondra argentea ‘Silver Falls’) is low maintenance plant that requires infrequent waterings and fertilization. "This spiller plant adds a silvery contrast to your garden and landscape, falling graciously out of containers and hanging baskets," says Christakes.

  • Growing zones:8 to 10
  • Mature Size:3 inches tall x 4 feet wide
  • Growing conditions:Full sun to part shade; average to dry soil

13 Best Indoor and Outdoor Hanging Plants for Your Home

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Magic Purple Aster

10 Patio Plants That Thrive in Pots and Containers (7)

Magic Purple aster (Aster novi-belgii 'Magic Purple') produces an abundance of blooms in a deep lavender purple color with bright yellow centers. "Its full appearance and compact growing habit makes it a great choice for fall container gardening," says Christakes. The plant should be pruned back 6 to 8 inches on the top once during summer months to encourage fall growth.

  • Growing zones:3
  • Mature Size:20 inches tall x 24 inches wide
  • Growing conditions:Full sun; average to moist soil

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Goldilocks Creeping Jenny

10 Patio Plants That Thrive in Pots and Containers (8)

Bright golden leaves with attractive yellow flowers define the Goldilocks Creeping Jenny (Lysimachia nummularia ‘Goldilocks’), which blooms throughout the summer months. "This plant is virtually indestructible, making it easy to care for," says Christakes. "Its low height and great spread makes it a good contender for spilling container plants."

  • Growing zones:4 to 9
  • Mature Size:20 inches tall x 24 inches wide
  • Growing conditions:Full sun to full shade; average to moist soil

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Dwarf Hinoki Cypress

10 Patio Plants That Thrive in Pots and Containers (9)

For a winter container display, dwarf hinoki cypresses (Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Nana Gracilis') are fantastic. "They provide a nice sense of structure, have beautiful fan-shaped leaves with different shades of green from the center to the edges, and stay compact," says Kline. "It grows incredibly slow, so you can keep it in smaller containers for a longer amount of time."

  • Growing zones:4 to 9
  • Mature Size:3 to 6 feet tall x 2 to 4 feet wide
  • Growing conditions:Full sun; well-draining soil

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10 Patio Plants That Thrive in Pots and Containers (10)

Coleus has stunning foliage that can stand alone in containers or add a vibrant pop of color alongside other plantings. There are many varieties to choose from, but one popular cultivar is Burgundy Wedding Train Coleus (Solenostemon scutellarioides ‘Burgundy Wedding Train’), which has small lobed leaves that remain a brick red color with distinctive lime green edges throughout the year, says Christakes.

  • Growing zone: 10
  • Mature Size: 18 inches tall x 24 inches wide
  • Growing conditions: Part shade to full shade; moist soil
10 Patio Plants That Thrive in Pots and Containers (2025)


What is the best potted plant for a patio? ›

For expansive spaces, larger plants like Majesty Palms or Bird of Paradise can make a dramatic statement. In contrast, smaller patios benefit from compact, space-saving varieties. Consider English Ivy or Boston Ferns for hanging baskets and Marigolds or Petunias for colorful, space-efficient accents in pots.

What are the best potted flowers to last all summer? ›

Canna lilies are the perfect addition to large containers. "Extravagantly large foliage, in gorgeous shades of red, orange, bronze, and multi-colors, canna lilies are perennial flowers that thrive in the heat of July and August," says Montgomery.

What plants grow best in a container? ›

Some plants work well in pots all year round. These include hardy evergreen foliage plants like yucca, English ivy variegated euonymus and heuchera, and flowering plants like Skimmia japonica and hebes.

What plants like full sun and heat in pots? ›

When you're looking for full sun flowers for pots, consider summer snapdragons, lantana, mandevilla vines and portulaca. This planter of full sun flowers includes 'Akila Lavender Shades' osteospermums (also known as African or Cape Daisies), 'Cool Wave Frost' spreading pansies and 'Clear Crystal' white alyssum.

What plants are good for hot front porch? ›

Rosemary and other hardy perennial herbs like lavender, sage, thyme, and oregano make excellent plants for a sun-drenched front porch. Plus, you'll have a kitchen herb garden right outside your door. Bring plants inside in the fall and put them in a sunny window to keep the harvest going through the winter months.

What is the annual flower that blooms all summer? ›

Though mostly grown as annual flowers that bloom all summer, lantana can grow into a small woody shrub in USDA zones 7-11, and even survive a frost. Plant in full sun, in well-draining soil, and fast-growing lantana will reward you with a full season of beautiful flowers.

What is the easiest plant to grow in full sun? ›

Top 10 Low-Maintenance Plants for Full Sun
  • Panicle hydrangea (Hydrangea paniculata)
  • Holly (Ilex spp.)
  • Bloomerang® lilac (Syringa x)
  • Bluestar (Amsonia)
  • Russian sage (Perovskia)
  • Stonecrop (Sedum)
  • Milkweed (Asclepias)
  • Ornamental Grasses.
Jul 27, 2019

What not to plant in containers? ›

Don't plant these vegetables in containers
  • Potatoes. Although it's technically possible to grow some varieties of spuds in large containers, they are better off planted in the ground.
  • Pumpkins and winter squash. ...
  • Fruit trees. ...
  • Sweet corn. ...
  • Carrots.
Jun 4, 2023

What is a #1 container for plants? ›

In cubic inches of volume, a #1 container -- which was commonly known as a 1-gallon pot -- is 152 to 251 cubic inches, a #2 container is 320 to 474 cubic inches, a #3 container 628 to 742 cubic inches and a #5 container -- which was commonly known as a 5-gallon container -- is 785 to 1242 cubic inches.

What are the most popular container flowers? ›

Petunias and zinnias are some of the best potted flowers for sun, while wax begonias and some coleus crave the shade. Browse these photos of flowers in pots for more ideas.

What are the best drought tolerant container plants for full sun and heat? ›

Variegated yucca, the red blooms of kalanchoe, and a trailing sedum all thrive in full sun with minimal watering.

What to plant in tall outdoor pots? ›

What Plants Work Best in Tall Planters? Tall planters can handle a variety of plants. Larger, vertical plants like small trees and shrubs perform well in tall planters. They also accentuate dramatic plants like ornamental grasses, bamboo, and tall flowers.

What type of outdoor pots are best? ›

Concrete pots are decorative and incredibly durable – they can resist wind and protect outdoor plants from frost. You can also find oversized concrete planters, which is a plus for anyone looking to grow patio trees or a sizeable container garden.

How do you show potted plants on a patio? ›

Try grouping three or five garden pots or planters together, either in a corner or either side of a path or doorway, using big plant pots at the back and smaller ones in front to mix things up and give the illusion of more greenery. Keep the pots fairly close together to make the display look fuller and more lush.

Do plants do well in concrete pots? ›

They are incredibly heavy which makes them durable to a certain extent, and they are great at insulating plants against sudden temperature fluctuations. Concrete's ability to absorb and radiate heat protects roots against late or early frosts.

What plant pots can be used outside? ›

I recommend choosing a pot that uses natural materials like terra cotta or stone. These materials are water-permeable so they offer good drainage through evaporation. Good drainage means less chance of root rot and ensures the plant will likely reach its optimal growth potential once transplanted outside.

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Name: Kelle Weber

Birthday: 2000-08-05

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Hobby: tabletop games, Foreign language learning, Leather crafting, Horseback riding, Swimming, Knapping, Handball

Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.