{SIDE EVENT} Major Demon Maggot Raid Upon Madrid, Spain! (2024)

Fear, You Rejects!

Alfonso Gunter Reinhold~Evil Bastard~1-1+
{SIDE EVENT} Major Demon Maggot Raid Upon Madrid, Spain! (1)

German: "Sie können ein König zu sein, ja, aber ich bin ein Gott!"
English: "You may be a King, yes, but I am a god!"

"Like moths to a flame, these fools are always drawn to a struggle; they must learn that they are nothing in the face of my research." As Alfonso sat atop the five story building he had chosen as his "front row seat" to the little war engaged between his five thousand Dullahan and the sixteen thousand Maggot Army forces. Although his forces were outnumbered more than one to three, Alfonso showed no signs of fear or anxiety. Quite the contrary, he allowed his minions to complete their main reason for living with little to no commands; staying back almost relaxedly as he simply surveyed the situation. Because of this, he was more than able to sense and locate the arrival of each new "powerful" presence. For the most part, Alfonso cared next to nothing about most of the new arrivals. The first was easily classified as an Iramasha; seemingly rather young and brash given how hey had simply charged head first into the Maggot Army. Of course, while he may get caught in some crossfire if he was not cautious enough, Alfonso had no intentions of targeting this youth. In fact, it actually provided Alfonso the opportunity to study the reactions of these Demon Maggots against a being he had not created himself. That being said, that was the only interest Alfonso showed in that Iramasha's appearance. The next presence to grace the battlefield was a Vizard; Shinji Hirako, an Ex-Captain who served many centuries after Alfonso's betrayal. Alfonso knew a bit about the circ*mstances surrounding the man's hollowification; though cared little about it seeing as by the time Aizen had first showed signs of betrayal he was long past researching hollows. Other than these two, Alfonso did not sense any other presences that held little to no interest to him; though there was a slightly odd presence of a Sugiura.

While this was all well and good, the next two presences that registered actually managed to catch Alfonso's attention; though each for a different reason. The first was a Demon; stronger than the individual Demon Maggots and obviously of a higher order. While this Demon's strength was not even a concern to Alfonso, he was slightly aggravated that another demon was aiding the Demon Maggots. Although the Kokuryuteshi and Sin Fall were allies, Alfonso knew for a fact that the Demon Maggots were not associated with the latter organization; rouge demons controlled by another force. Because of this, Alfonso was easily able to conduct his research as well as send a message to whoever controlled the Demon Maggots while not causing any tension between the two organizations; though he honestly cared little about that. Now, while this demon who had appeared could potentially pose a risk were he affiliated with Sin Fall, Alfonso could tell that it was not an Archduke; and would easily be dismissed as a rouge cooperating with other rouges. With all of this said, though, at the end of the day, Alfonso cared nothing for the "politics" surrounding his actions. All of those involved were nothing more than test subjects to him, and whatever rules they followed were of little concern to him. Of course, the Demon itself was not what had caught his attention, but to what followed it. As if a mockery to his Dullahan, the Demon's forces of one thousand "Half Demons" almost made Alfonso laugh. A crude mixture of human and demon, these half demons were just as low to Alfonso as the Demon Maggots. Unlike his Dullahan, a being of his own creation from the genetics of Hollow and Demon, these half demons were nothing more than humans with demon powers forced upon them. Before even choosing to dignify them with his actual attention, Alfonso detected the second notable presence.

Unlike all the other beings there, Alfonso knew this one, this man personally. Of course, while he had sensed this man a short bit earlier, his arrival to the battlefield would have been obvious to even the least spiritually aware person. Yes, as a loud roar of grinding mechanics began to approach the conflict, it's source was not left in the dark for long. Suddenly, a large flying object; slightly resembling an arc, made its way over the area. To those who knew the pilot, or even had heard rumors of him, this golden arc which seemed to defy the laws of physics would have been known as the Vimana; the ancient flying contraption passed from Babylon to India and recorded in the two epic sagas, Ramayana and Mahabharata. It's owner, the one man whose arrogance was able to hold a candle to Alfonso's own, legendary King of Heroes, and wielder of the Gates of Babylon; Gilgaesh. Of course, even before this fact became apparent to the rest of "lesser intellects" who were currently engaged in combat, an evil grin crossed Alfonso's face. Even though they were both members of the Kokuryuteshi; Alfonso the head of the Sapphire Cross and Gilgamesh Kin's second in command, one would think that such ego's would never be able to coexist anywhere near each other. And yet, somehow, Alfonso and Gilgamesh were able to actually get along for the most part; at least in consideration to who they were. Though he held it for almost no man, Alfonso seemed to have some form of respect for Gilgamesh; though nowhere close enough to call it true respect. As for Gilgamesh, it seemed that his scientific pursuits had managed to impress the King of Heroes somehow. That being said, this mutual non-disrespect was limited, best proven by the statement Alfonso had regarding Gilgamesh; though it had not yet been spoken, "Sie können ein König zu sein, ja, aber ich bin ein Gott!".

Deciding to ignore the new Demon for the moment, Alfonso looked up at the Vimana, before disappearing from view, having used shunpo to reach it in no time. Once aboard, it didn't take long for Alfonso to locate Gilgamesh, seated upon his extravagant throne.

"Well now, if it isn't the King of Heroes" Alfonso said with his usual tone and grin, though he emphasized the "King of Heroes" part slightly. While he was using his usual tone, it did hold a bit of arrogance back; a sign of the slight bit of respect Alfonso had for Gilgamesh. "I'm surprised that you decided to 'grace' this battlefield with your presence; seeing as how subjects such as these are only worthy to test my minions against" Alfonso continued, his tone more arrogant now, as he was talking about his own creations. While his words to Gilgamesh may have seemed like an insult, he was really just stroking the king's ego, stating how both he and himself were far above these Demon Maggots. Of course, Alfonso knew that he did not have to worry about Gilgamesh being with the Demon Maggots or him attacking him; as the "King of Heroes", Alfonso knew that Gilgamesh had way too much pride. Of course, Alfonso had noticed how Gilgamesh had/was paying attention to his Dullahan, and the grin across his face widened. "Ah yes, let me introduce you to my minions, the Dullahan" Alfonso began, ready to explain them to Gilgamesh. "They are my foot soldiers, that I created myself to be the perfectly loyal soldier" he continued, pacing a bit as he explained. "You may notice that their reiatsu is different from other beings, and that would be because they have been created from the genetic bases of both Demons and Hollows" Alfonso concluded, his little explanation shorter than one might have expected. Of course, with his back to Gilgamesh, looking out at the battle between his forces and the Maggot Army, Alfonso's entire facial features became much more sinister. "However, allow me to treat you to a special...first viewing of just what my genius is capable of, o King of Heroes" Alfonso said, his tone seemingly maxed out for being arrogant and sinister. Then, just as with what had started this battle for him, Alfonso calmly raised his right hand, and snapped his fingers. Now, the true battle would begin.

5000 Dullahan~The Mindless Army~1-2(each)
{SIDE EVENT} Major Demon Maggot Raid Upon Madrid, Spain! (2)

Down below the Vimana, the battle between Alfonso's five thousand Dullahan and the sixteen thousand Demon Maggots, things were beginning to heat up for all parties involved. As for the Dullahan, though, they were uneffected by most of it. As the barrage of Ceros fired from the front one hundred Dullahan hit its target, anyone else would have been able to see that something was wrong. The "Orcs" in front began to panic it seemed, and some even tried to flee. Of course, those efforts were in vain, as they were wiped away by the Ceros. Of course, for the few front soldiers who remained, a disturbing fact was uncovered: the Dullahan's had just killed quite a few humans disguised as Orcs. While any of the other fighters would have most likely been appalled by this, the Dullahan showed no reaction or remorse. As if one did not believe that they were mere beasts of war, this would prove that the Dullahan were created for nothing more than fighting. Of course, the true Orcs didn't let the Dullahan's lack of a reaction stall them, and they were soon rushing at the Dullahan. To this, however, the Dullahan finally showed a response. As if some unheard order had been given, each of the Dullahan on the front line held their large shield up, and when done together, seemed to form an impenetrable wall of metal. Of course, they did not stop there, as while this was happening, the Dullahan lining the sides each turned out and held up their shield; the back row following suit. Suddenly, the five thousand Dullahan seemed more like one entity than five thousand single beings. Finally, as the Orcs crashed into them, the Dullahan in the center, all those not bearing their shields, raised their swords up. For the Orcs foolish enough to try and jump over the Dullahan, the would meet the cold steel of the Dullahan's blade. This was the true fighting tactic of the Dullahan; not to attack the enemy out front, but form a defense that seemingly causes the enemies to kill themselves against the Dullahan.

As the Dullahan and Orcs finally collided, however, a strange sense began to emanate from the sky; a few stories off the ground. Yes, it was at that exact moment that Alfonso had snapped his fingers, and the effect was becoming all to clear to those in battle. Suddenly, from where the strange sense was emanating, two small, pitch black "rips" appeared; as if torn in the sky. A few seconds after they were visible, and the sky suddenly seemed to rip itself open; revealing two large, pitch black portals. To those who had seen Alfonso summon his Dullahan, what was to come next was obvious; more forces were coming. What they didn't know, however, was just what kind of "creatures" were going to emerge. This, however, was soon to be revealed, and suddenly, the sound of a thousand echoed cackles began to ring out from the portals; the warning sound similar to what had come before the Dullahan's entrance. Unlike before, however, the entrance was going to be a little...different.

1400 Death Jesters (1-3)~100 Maugna Ra (1-1)
{SIDE EVENT} Major Demon Maggot Raid Upon Madrid, Spain! (3){SIDE EVENT} Major Demon Maggot Raid Upon Madrid, Spain! (4)

Without any more warning, a powerful force could be felt from inside the portals, before one thousand five hundred reinforcements seemingly just "shot" out of the portals all at once; the portals closing immediately behind them. After observing these new forces for a few seconds, it began to become clear that there were two distinct types of "minions" within their ranks. The first, and more numerous variant at one thousand four hundred, were quite different from the Dullahan in appearance. For starters, they actually had heads; or at least the skull on their shoulders looked like their head. Secondly, they were about the same height and width as Alfonso; making them seem easier to deal with. Finally, other than the bone plate armor on its chest, this new minion wore more "normal" looking clothes; though they were reinforced more than your average clothes. The third, final (for now), and least numerous variant, were one hundred strong and visually appeared to be a sort of mixture between the Dullahan and the Death Jester. Their size was in between that of the other two minions, and while heavily armored, they also appeared to have a quite a bit of mobility. Finally, these two new variants of minions held a weapon vastly different than the Dullahan; best described as "a cross between a laser rifle and a scythe". For a moment, these new one thousand five hundred new minions stood still; the least numerous, the Maugna Ra seeming to survey the battle field. This, of course, was over rather quickly, and as the Maugna Ra's descended to the ground, a few meters behind the two opposing armies, the Death Jesters moved quickly over the Maggot Army and the Dullahan.

As the Death Jesters reached their positions, each of the one thousand four hundred lowered their "Death Cannon's" aim to the Demon Maggots below. Taking a few seconds to charge, the Death Jesters soon shot a barrage of energy blasts, very similar to a Cero, and at about the strength of the Dullahan's Cero, into the Maggot Army. While this was happening, the one hundred Maugna Ra's still kept back, but the way that each of them were "looking" at the battle gave the impression that they were studying it closely. What everyone else didn't know, was that the Maugna Ra's were actually leading the Dullahan and Death Jesters in their tactics; making them more efficient than if fighting alone. Yes, this was the true power of Alfonso's full army, the three different "Mindless Soldiers" that fought for him to the end without a though or free will. They were created to protect him, and when together, to become a force capable of challenging any who would dare to stand in the way of his research. If the Maggot Army wanted to stand a chance, then they had better pull out all the stops, and prove to Alfonso that they were more than just test dummies. And yet, even as the battle escalated, Alfonso stayed back, still aboard the Vimana.

"So now, King of Heroes, tell me; what do you think?"

{SIDE EVENT} Major Demon Maggot Raid Upon Madrid, Spain! (5) WARNING! {SIDE EVENT} Major Demon Maggot Raid Upon Madrid, Spain! (6)
The difficulty for taking down Alfonso's forces has just been increased

{SIDE EVENT} Major Demon Maggot Raid Upon Madrid, Spain! (7)
Ravana Ichiro~Ex-Captain Vizard/Vizard Corps Co-leader~0-3+
Toshizo Hijikata~The Demon Commander~0-3+
Diablo Cortar~The Cutting Devil/Segunda Espada~0-3-
Albert Wesker~Biohazard~0-4++
Dracula Vlad Tepes~The Dark Lord~0-4
Okita Souji~Sexy and I know it~0-5+
Alfonso Gunter Reinhold~Evil Bastard~W.I.P.
Hanako Ikezawa~Malignant Tragedy~5-5*

{SIDE EVENT} Major Demon Maggot Raid Upon Madrid, Spain! (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.